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Results - Swimming with Fins

Results - Finswimming - National

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1- "National Open Water Fins Swimming Interclub Championship, Open Youth Category, Seniors and Open Master"

MAG, Santa Marta

March 11 - 12, 2021

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1- "Campeonato Nacional Interclubes de Natación con Aletas Aguas Abiertas, Categoría Juvenil Abierta, Mayores y Máster Abierta”

MAG, Santa Marta

11 - 12 de Marzo de 2021

Address: Diagonal 35Bis # 19 -31. La Soledad neighborhood Bogotá DC - Colombia.

Landline: 57-1- 323 2541. Mobile phone: 57-320-3657611

© 2017 - Skype fedecas.colombia -

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Oscar Bohórquez -

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